Saturday, August 9, 2008

Toilet Paper

When it comes to toilet paper, cheaper is not always better. The wife and I switched to the dollar store brands of toilet paper for a while and discovered that while cheap, they did not have the lasting power (or softness) of some of the slightly more expensive brands. We use Scott tissue because it lasts the longest and is the most comfortable we can find for the price.

Squeeze Toothpaste from the Bottom

Two necessities that a person should NEVER be without are soap and toothpaste. The simplest way to conserve toothpaste is to squeeze from the bottom, curling it upwards and using the minimal amount to cover your toothbrush. Don't skimp on the dental hygiene as it will lead to much more expensive dental repairs (and pain) later on in your life.

Really Cheap Hygiene

Severe cash flow problems? Consider dropping shampoo from your list of hygiene items. I use an anti-bacterial soap to shower with. I also wash my hair with it every other time. It tends to dry out my oily hair a bit (which I like) and it's cheap. If you can't afford shampoo for a bit, simply use soap in it's place. It won't hurt and will keep your hair clean.

Shaving Cream

Do you really need the more expensive gels and fancier shaving creams? Not really. You can use shaving cream you buy at a dollar store to shave and it's just as good as the more expensive stuff. I have skin allergies, this means that anything that they add certain odors to will probably set my skin off. I find that the cheapest soaps, shaving creams, shampoos, etc... are usually the best for my skin allergies.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Shaving? Go Electric

Guys have to shave (well, you Moses types don't). You can end up spending a TON of money on blades if you're not careful. The simplest, cheapest way to maintain that smooth look that women love is to go electric! Invest in a good Panasonic ES3041K Sonic Shaving Wet Dry Rechargeable Shaver, Black, rechargeable electric shaver. The initial cost is sometimes high (depends on what you're looking for) but it more than pays for itself in blade costs.

Of course the ladies will love their very own Panasonic Close Curves Wet/Dry Ladies Shaver as well! =)

The American Dollar Store

We as Americans overpay for our products. One of the simplest suggestions I can give for keeping up with your personal hygiene cheaply is to ply the aisles of your nearest dollar store. You can find cheap shampoo, soap, tooth-paste, and basically everything else you need there.